Saturday, May 14, 2016

Will You Ever Put Evidence On The Table Too...

...or you will only continue your comedy with defamatory?

When you make statements in public like someone's spying on you, always freaked out, invaded your privacy, was forcing you to do things you didn't wanted to do, is harassing you then put evidence on the table too.

Notes on GFSLEGION's blog doesn't prove these statements to be true and neither does notes on specially spoiled ape's without brains tumblr blog. However notes on GFSLEGION's blog has proved statements of SinRedemption's friends to be true while tumblr blog proves absolutely nothing because all of it is only based on GFSLEGION's conflict with SinRedemption and on what GFSLEGION is telling.

How it will be then GFSLEGION and her friends? Will you show us all how she was forcing you to do things you didn't wanted to do, invaded your privacy, spied on you, always freaked out and save me the crap five times in month is always. It's not. If you can show us all she has freaked out only sometimes like SinRedemption and her friends were stating all this time then there's also evidence you GFSLEGION have lied about this too.

Or you will avoid to do this because you're not as innocent as you try to tell us and there's so much more you've lied about to us all?!

As for harassment. It's just server's location because if google analytics tool would be showing city where someone really lives then it would be a privacy violation about which many people would be dissatisfied because this information is something people don't want to share with everyone on the internet. GFSLEGION once proved you don't have to be in the same country to use it's server.

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