Sunday, May 22, 2016

Only Spoiled Ape Without Brains On Tumblr Can Think Like This

No evidence? Both sides admitted something went wrong on Steam but stories of both sides are different but none of the sides have evidence what exactly went wrong between SinRedemption and GFSLEGION on steam. You see very good others don't have evidence but you have forgotten your tumblr blog contains only defamatory because you don't have evidence either! And it doesn't matter which story is true about Steam I see GFSLEGION's side are beating up SinRedemption for that one time when she was bad like SinRedemption has caused nuclear disaster!
My God! It seems you are whiners not they!

Why I said one time? Because there's no evidence things GFSLEGION has said about SinRedemption have happened!

There are just few notes available to public where SinRedemption doesn't blame others for her mistakes, possibly says something senseless and how GFSLEGION called SinRedemption's poem  poem bullshit and has insulted SinRedemption but GFSLEGION stated she hasn't insulted SinRedemption which are lies!

These notes aren't proving anything you or GFSLEGION has said is true.

And care to show me the evidence SinRedemption made all these accounts or she that she has freaked out always? No? Why? What did you just said? You don't have evidence just words and accusations? And that's why you are spoiled apes without brains who are defaming her!

I can also write somebody did something terrible like killed an innocent person but it wouldn't prove I'm right because I would need to get evidence which spoiled ape without brains on tumblr don't have! I didn't said SinRedemption's side has evidence to everything but they do have evidence to something which spoiled apes without brains are overlooking while you spoiled apes without brains have nothing there except defamatory!

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