Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Quote Time Huh?

I won't post quotes (oops I lied :D :D) here but I'll say this. It's very clear troll on deviantART  is laughing about people who thinks reputation and logic is evidence.

There was a good quote on deviantART I took from here

"If logic and reputation would be the evidence you need to get to prove somebody's guilt many innocent people would be sitting behind bars."

This quote speaks truth. If these two things would be the only evidence you need then so many innocent people would be in jail right now because of logic lies which can make people look like they are guilty but story can turn out differently when the real evidence are shown.

It's unlikely in harassment cases but it's possible this can happen in harassment cases too.

Personally I find it very hard to believe police would allow my specially spoiled ape on tumblr without brains to play Sherlock knowing these possibilities.  Think about it! Police allows my specially spoiled ape on tumblr without brains to play Sherlock despite of that it is defamatory what tumblr ape does on blog. It's very hard to believe it because police should know better than anybody else about the possibilities on the internet when it comes to harassment and other such things. I don't think police would allow this situation to happen until the moment when there's real evidence gathered which proves who's guilty and who's not, because it might come to that police has helped to defame somebody which can crash reputation of police.  That is if police allows to write defamatory about somebody. If there isn't evidence then it's defamatory. If there's evidence then it's truth.

I also think troll is laughing about some people on deviantART because troll knows the real truth while some people have been fooled with "evidence" called logic and reputation.

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