Aww! The little spoiled ape got bored and now started to defame me and my girlfriend because we showed possibility deviantART admins are as lazy as people say they are or they could be interested only in money and nothing else. This angered little spoiled ape so much that now me and my girlfriend are attached to case.
Don't you have better things to do than to defame people little spoiled ape?
Here's my blog from which little spoiled ape took the screenshot
deviantART admins doesn't get it defamatory should be forbidden on their site! Any defamatory!
This is why me and my girlfriend think deviantART admins are lazy or interested just in money.
Hellraiser-89's journal leave me alone which I use as example is defamatory because he doesn't have evidence and you don't have them either little spoiled ape! It could have been anybody who did it.
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